So I needed to do a little bit of an update to my tabata routine for the coming weeks. For some reason my hips are hating on the mountain climbers. I have replaced them with side planks adding a little dip and will alternate sides from one round to the next. The jumping jacks/skip rope on the same round were making my calves cramp during the workout. So I separated them.
So Here’s My Tabata Workout for Cardio and Abs:
Perform each exercise for 20 seconds and rest for 10 seconds.
Round 1: Cardio
- High Knees
- Rest
- Jumping Jacks
- Rest
Repeat 4 times.
Round 2: Abs
- Russian Twists
- Rest
- Jack Knife Crunches
- Rest
Repeat 4 times.
Round 3: Cardio
- Skaters
- Rest
- Skip Rope
- Rest
Repeat 4 times.
Rest (45 s -1 minute) between each Round
Round 4: Abs
- Plank
- Rest
- Bicycle Crunches
- Rest
Repeat 4 times.
Round 5: Cardio
- Burpees
- Rest
- Butt Kicks
- Rest
Repeat 4 times.
Round 6: Abs
- Side Plank (with dips)
- Rest
- Reverse Crunches
- Rest
Repeat 4 times.