My Wellness Journey
A personal introspection and musings on health, wellness, and fitness.
About This Journey
Guided Fitness presents my personal wellness journey. Musing and sarcasm included.
Does this happen to you? “Okay, Nic (self), it’s time to make some changes. Let’s try a new workout plan, new eating style, new goal (effing New Years).” You make a decision, you research said decision, and you are bombarded with conflicting information. Or people claiming they have the answers for whatever issue ails you. Seriously, what’s up with that?
It’s obvious to me that every body, both the individual and their corporeal manifestation, is different. What works for some does not work for others. Frustration ensues and then “F*** this, I am out!” All that Google research you did, time spent planning, weighing, measuring, etc, all down the drain and why? Because… I wish I had an answer.
So to combat this rollercoaster of information that makes sense, doesn’t make sense, fad diets, cardboard flavoured water soluble powder that some ripped individual suggested for you… Okay now I am not even following my own line of thought. Let’s try that again. Information is everywhere for health and wellness. But quality information is not! So I have decided to journal my wellness journey and follow a variety of different plans to how my body responds. I am sharing this with you, not as a pay 9.99$/month to learn the secrets of a slim waist line (let’s face it, slim I will never be and I am so good with being fat). But as an anecdotal experience, some inspiration and maybe some entertainment.
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Day 7 of 30
What does that mean?
Recent Entries
And We’re Back
Apparently maintenance is not my thing and I have failed rather significantly. So it looks like we are back to some more mindful exercise and…
75 Hard Again and Post COVID updates
Okay, my friends, we are doing 75 Hard again. I loved it so much the first time, I figured why not start the New Year…
November Monthly Goals
Okay, so as much as I need a bunch of variety in my check ins and goals, this whole two week thing is just not…
Read All About My Wellness Journey
I am keeping track of everything through my blog (and on various social media platforms). In my blog you can read about a variety of topics. Not just my own journey but various musings about this journey, relationships with food, weight, fitness and more. Check it out…
Let’s keep in touch
Follow Guided Fitness. Keep up to date with classes, events, and more musings on my personal wellness journey!