Now that my 75Hard Challenge is complete, we are back to bi-weekly plans. I went back through my post and finally got all the dates figured out, I was not as twisted as I thought I was. Anyway, neither here nor there. So let’s figure out what to do for these upcoming weeks.
Starting Off:
Weight: 69.8 kg
Body Fat %: 25.1
VO2 Max: 44
I have decided to no longer measure waist and hip circumference with each bi-weekly plan, I will be saving it for once a month during the monthly recap.
The Plan:
A minimum of 20 minutes a day. There is currently a challenge happening with my karate organization so that alone will take care of this. I also have an exam to prepare for so there will be lots of training.
11,000 daily steps minimum.
Weight Training:
Continuing with my Pull, Push, Legs routine. Three days on, one rest day, repeat.
The goal is to continue with the pace set by the 75Hard Challenge and continue doing about 5 km everyday. It takes less than an hour usually, and well worth making the time for.
Walking doesn’t quite get the heart rate up like it used to, so I would like to aim at another 20 minutes of dedicated cardio every other day, ideally everyday but there are only so many hour in a day and I seem to be running low on time.
Yoga and Stretching:
Every single day, there is no time factor. Could be 45 minutes, could be 15, the point is just to get into a daily routine with it. I am debating whether to add it as a morning or evening thing. I will be playing around with it and see what works best.
Aiming for around 1800 calories a day.
Macro Distribution:
Aiming for a simple 2L a day.